
Senior Kindergarten: Charlotte's day

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.30-8.35 Drop off at Homeroom. Morning activities
8.35-8.55 UOI
Where we are in place and time: Continue to research & explore the topic.
  • 20 mins each: guided reading, writing exploration, aural activities
  • Fine motor skills activities (eg handwriting “without tears”)
  • Phonics (eg blends)
  • Library visit on Wednesday
Exploration into Singapore & own culture. Design maps & build models of well-known places
9.55-10.05 School supplied SNACK (included in fees)
10.05-10.45 Language acquisition (LAQ): French or Chinese
10.50-11.30 Math in the mud kitchen Outdoor discovery centre Sand play Water play Outdoor discovery centre
11.35-12.15 Integrated Arts PE* Swimming Integrated Arts Integrated Arts PE* Swimming
12.15-1.00 LUNCH and outdoor play
1.00-2.00 Numeracy UOI Numeracy UOI Numeracy
2.00-3.20 Literacy Numeracy UOI Numeracy Literacy
3.20 End of school day and buses
*PE activities change every 6 weeks Integrated arts combines music, drama and arts UOI = Unit of Inquiry

Grade 5: George's day

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.30-8.35 Outside play before arriving at class | Homeroom - preparing for the day.
8.35-9:15 LAQ* Chinese LAQ Chinese PE** Gymnastics LAQ Chinese Literacy
9:15-9:55 LAQ Chinese Numeracy LAQ Chinese Numeracy Literacy
9:55-10:15 UOI Numeracy UOI Numeracy UOI
10:15-10:50 Snack / Play outdoors
10:55-11:35 UOI Literacy UOI Literacy UOI
11:35 -12:15 Numeracy Literacy Numeracy Literacy Numeracy
12:15-12:35 Numeracy UOI Numeracy UOI Numeracy
12:35-1:25 LUNCH and outdoor play
1:25-2:05 Literacy UOI Assembly UOI UOI
2:05-2:45 Literacy Drama Literacy Art Music
2:45-3:30 PE UOI Literacy UOI UOI
3.45-4.45 Choir Netball team Violin lesson Sustainability special project - tree planting. Swim training
3.20 End of school day and buses
*LAQ is Language acquisition **PE activities change every 6 weeks UOI = Unit of Inquiry

Grade 8: Sam's day

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7-9 Basketball training Swim team training Basketball training Swim team training
8-8.25 Arrive on campus
8.30-9.20 Advisory 8.30-8.40 Advisory check-in (connect twice in morning or during SMART)
9.25-10.35 Physical & Health Education 8.45-10.05 Chinese LAQ Maths Music Language & Literature
10.35-10.50 Morning break 10.05-10.25 Morning break - snacks available from mobile snack carts
10.50-12 Drama 10.25-11.40 Music Physical & Health Education Chinese LAQ Sciences
12.05-1.15 Language & Literature 11.45-1.05 Individuals & Societies Drama Individuals & Societies Maths
1.15 -1.45 Lunch 1.05 -1.35 Lunch @ the level 2 canteen
1.45-2.20 SMART 1.35-2.10 SMART
2.20 -3.30 Maths 2.10-3.30 Sciences Language & Literature Physical & Health Education Drama
3.30-4.30 Model United Nations 3.30-4.30 Musical production rehearsal Basketball match Rock band rehearsal Swim meet